I need to call determined renderMapping method from actionMapping Code:
@ActionMapping(value = "update")
public String update(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) {
return "update";//how to call method update that is below instead of view method
@RenderMapping(value = "update")
public String update(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) {
return "updateForm";
public String view(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) {
return forward;
You can set the view to be rendered (call a render method) at your actionMapping method as following:
response.getRenderParameters().setValue("view", "myView");
myView should be the view you want to display. That will call the render method mapping "myView".
By the way, I'm pretty sure you put a wrong tag on your question. That would concern Liferay 6.x not liferay 7 :-)