After the latest office update, I have found that 3 edit boxes that used to fit perfectly in the Ribbon on top of each other, no longer fit, and excel inserts an empty space instead of the third one, and pushes the third one to the next column.
Here is a print screen of what happens:
Here is my ribbon XML part:
<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="MyAddInInitialize">
<ribbon >
<tabs >
<tab id="tabIqvia" getLabel="onGetLabel" getVisible="GetVisible" >
<group id="grpInfo" getLabel="onGetLabel" getVisible="GetVisible" getImage = "onGetImage" getSupertip="onGetSupertip" >
<editBox id="edbInfo1" getLabel="onGetLabel" getText="onGetText" sizeString="FALSE" getEnabled = "onGetEnabled"
getScreentip="onGetScreentip" getSupertip="onGetSupertip" />
<editBox id="edbInfo2" getLabel="onGetLabel" getText="onGetText" sizeString="FALSE" getEnabled = "onGetEnabled"
getScreentip="onGetScreentip" getSupertip="onGetSupertip" />
<editBox id="edbInfo3" getLabel="onGetLabel" getText="onGetText" sizeString="FALSE" getEnabled = "onGetEnabled"
getScreentip="onGetScreentip" getSupertip="onGetSupertip" />
<separator id="sepInfo3" />
Anyone else having this issue?
I think I found the answer, and it it so stupid, you would not believe it. You know how Windows has that "Change the size of text, apps and other items?". Set that to 125% and your buttons will no longer fit on Windows 7. I really do hope they fixed this on Windows 10, because it's just crazy stupid that the testers missed that one.