I am using web components "custom elements" feature and need to support old browsers(Firefox v60), so instead of loading the polyfills via webcomponent-loader.js which loads all the polyfills . lazy loaded custom-elementpolyfill based on feature detection
(function() {
var ce = document.createElement('script');
ce.type = 'text/javascript';
ce.async = true;
ce.src = 'https://unpkg.com/@webcomponents/custom-elements@1.2.4/custom-elements.min.js';
* loading "customElement" polyfills wont't fire "WebComponentsReady" event, it will be called when we use
* "webcomponent-loader.js" but it will load other polyfills("shadow-dom"), so loading the "customElements" polyfill alone
* based on feature detection and firing "WebComponentsReady" event manually.
ce.onload = function() {
new CustomEvent('WebComponentsReady', {bubbles: true}));
var st = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
st.parentNode.insertBefore(ce, st);
and firedWebComponentsReady
event manually when its loaded. Registered the element like below
let registerElement = () => {
window.customElements.define(‘wc-button', WCButton);
} else {
document.addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', registerElement);
WebComponentsReadygot fired and in the listener callback has been called to define/register the element, but the element isn't getting shown or loaded in the page in firefox60.6.1esr (64-bit)
webcomponents-loader.js does feature detection for you instead of waiting for WebComponentsReady event, you do
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
window.WebComponents.waitFor(() => {
// do stuff that needs the polyfill
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