Need a Sink
that never pulls, to use in unit tests.
Is there one already available or do I need to code it myself?
Please note that Sink.ignore()
won't help, because it ALWAYS pulls.
I need a Sink that NEVER pulls.
Direct Answer
You can create an org.reactivestreams.Subscriber
that never calls Subscription.request
import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber
def nonSubscriber[T] : Subscriber[T] = new Subscriber[T] {
override def onComplete() : Unit = {}
override def onError(throwable: java.lang.Throwable) : Unit = {}
//should never be called therefore definition is not implemented
override def onNext(t: T) : Unit = ???
//does not call s.request
override def onSubscribe(s: Subscription) : Unit = {}
This Subscriber can then be used to instantiate a Sink
import akka.NotUsed
def nonSubscribingSink[T] : Sink[T, NotUsed] =
Indirect Answer
The nature of the question suggest that you are mixing your "business logic" with your akka stream logic. You may want to consider a re-design that could make the answer to your question unnecessary.