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Akka HTTP SBT modules were resolved with conflicting cross-version suffixes in ProjectRrf

I am building an Akka HTTP application using Scala 3 and SBT and it was running fine at the start.

But when I added the new dependencies below to build.sbt, the app began giving the error modules were resolved with conflicting cross-version suffixes in ProjectRrf.

The new dependencies added are: akka-http-circe, akka-http-json4s, json4s-native, circe-generic, scala-logging.

To make the dependencies compatible with scala3, I wrapped some of them using .cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13).

What could be the cause of this error?

Thanks in advance!

The New dependencies added:

("com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging"   % "3.9.3").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13),
("de.heikoseeberger" %% "akka-http-circe"          % "1.39.2").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13),
("de.heikoseeberger" %% "akka-http-json4s"         % "1.39.2").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13),
("org.json4s"        %% "json4s-native"            % "4.1.0-M4").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13),
("io.circe"          %% "circe-generic"            % "0.15.0-M1").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13),


lazy val akkaHttpVersion = "10.6.3"
lazy val akkaVersion    = "2.9.4"

resolvers += "Akka library repository".at("")

fork := true

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
      organization    := "com.example",
      scalaVersion    := "3.3.3"
    name := "eskimi-bidding-agent",
    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-http"                % akkaHttpVersion,
      "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-http-spray-json"     % akkaHttpVersion,
      "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor-typed"         % akkaVersion,
      "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-stream"              % akkaVersion,
      "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-pki"                 % akkaVersion,
      ("com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging"   % "3.9.3").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13),
      ("de.heikoseeberger" %% "akka-http-circe"          % "1.39.2").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13),
      ("de.heikoseeberger" %% "akka-http-json4s"         % "1.39.2").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13),
      ("org.json4s"        %% "json4s-native"            % "4.1.0-M4").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13),
      ("io.circe"          %% "circe-generic"            % "0.15.0-M1").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13),
      "ch.qos.logback"    % "logback-classic"           % "1.2.11",

      "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-http-testkit"        % akkaHttpVersion % Test,
      "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor-testkit-typed" % akkaVersion     % Test,
      "org.scalatest"     %% "scalatest"                % "3.2.12"        % Test


  • You didn't include the most significant part of the error. It's

    [error] Modules were resolved with conflicting cross-version suffixes in ProjectRef(uri("file:/path/to/yourproject/"), "root"):
    [error]    com.typesafe.akka:akka-http-core _3, _2.13
    [error]    com.typesafe.akka:akka-parsing _3, _2.13
    [error]    com.typesafe.akka:akka-http _3, _2.13

    Since you write

    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-http"                % akkaHttpVersion,
      "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-http-spray-json"     % akkaHttpVersion,
      "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor-typed"         % akkaVersion,
      "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-stream"              % akkaVersion,
      "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-pki"                 % akkaVersion,

    probably you prefer to use _3 versions of libraries rather than _2.13 whenever possible.

    So you should exclude

    com.typesafe.akka:akka-http-core _2.13
    com.typesafe.akka:akka-parsing _2.13
    com.typesafe.akka:akka-http  _2.13

    If you do sbt dependencyTree you'll see where akka-http-core _2.13 is used

    [info]   +-de.heikoseeberger:akka-http-circe_2.13:1.39.2 [S]
    [info]   | +-com.typesafe.akka:akka-http_2.13:10.2.7 [S]
    [info]   | | +-com.typesafe.akka:akka-http-core_2.13:10.2.7 [S]
    [info]   +-de.heikoseeberger:akka-http-json4s_2.13:1.39.2 [S]
    [info]   | +-com.typesafe.akka:akka-http_2.13:10.2.7 [S]
    [info]   | | +-com.typesafe.akka:akka-http-core_2.13:10.2.7 [S]

    So modify dependencies using .exclude(...)

    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      ("de.heikoseeberger" %% "akka-http-circe"          % "1.39.2").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13)
        .exclude("com.typesafe.akka", "akka-http-core_2.13"),
      ("de.heikoseeberger" %% "akka-http-json4s"         % "1.39.2").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13)
        .exclude("com.typesafe.akka", "akka-http-core_2.13"),

    Now the error is

    [error] Modules were resolved with conflicting cross-version suffixes in ProjectRef(uri("file:/path/to/yourproject/"), "root"):
    [error]    com.typesafe.akka:akka-http _3, _2.13

    (Probably what we excluded is enough to exclude akka-parsing _2.13 too.)

    If you do sbt dependencyTree again you'll see where akka-http _2.13 is used

    [info]   +-de.heikoseeberger:akka-http-circe_2.13:1.39.2 [S]
    [info]   | +-com.typesafe.akka:akka-http_2.13:10.2.7 [S]
    [info]   +-de.heikoseeberger:akka-http-json4s_2.13:1.39.2 [S]
    [info]   | +-com.typesafe.akka:akka-http_2.13:10.2.7 [S]

    So .exclude(...) again

    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      ("com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging"   % "3.9.3").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13),
      ("de.heikoseeberger" %% "akka-http-circe"          % "1.39.2").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13)
        .exclude("com.typesafe.akka", "akka-http-core_2.13")
        .exclude("com.typesafe.akka", "akka-http_2.13"),
      ("de.heikoseeberger" %% "akka-http-json4s"         % "1.39.2").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13)
        .exclude("com.typesafe.akka", "akka-http-core_2.13")
        .exclude("com.typesafe.akka", "akka-http_2.13"),

    Now the project is built successfully.

    You can also write this as

    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    ) ++ Seq(
      ("de.heikoseeberger" %% "akka-http-circe"          % "1.39.2").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13),
      ("de.heikoseeberger" %% "akka-http-json4s"         % "1.39.2").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13)
      .exclude("com.typesafe.akka", "akka-http-core_2.13")
      .exclude("com.typesafe.akka", "akka-http_2.13")

    sbt 1.10.2