I'm trying to create vault-deployment using Jenkins. Here's a link to my repo.
When running the script I'm getting
"Scripts not permitted to use staticMethod org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods write java.io.File java.lang.String. Administrators can decide whether to approve or reject this signature." issue.
I got this issue after adding a stage "Generate Vars". If I remove this stage in the code the other stages works, but they don't complete the job. This is because it needs to get token for vault deployment and it needs to get it from .tfvars file.
It's not a good idea to share my variables on GitHub, that's why I`m trying to create vault.tfvars through Jenkins and provide any token before running a pipeline job.
Does anyone know how to fix this??? If some part is not clear please feel free to ask questions!
If I find the solution for this issue I will share it here with the link to my GitHub. Thanks
Here is my code Jenkinsfile.groovy
node('master') {
string(defaultValue: 'plan', description: 'Please provide what action you want? (plan,apply,destroy)', name: 'terraformPlan', trim: true),
string(defaultValue: 'default_token_add_here', description: 'Please provide a token for vault', name: 'vault_token', trim: true)
checkout scm
stage('Generate Vars') {
def file = new File("${WORKSPACE}/vaultDeployment/vault.tfvars")
file.write """
vault_token = "${vault_token}"
stage("Terraform init") {
dir("${workspace}/vaultDeployment/") {
sh 'ls'
sh 'pwd'
sh "terraform init"
stage("Terraform Plan/Apply/Destroy"){
if (params.terraformPlan.toLowerCase() == 'plan') {
dir("${workspace}/vaultDeployment/") {
sh "terraform plan -var-file=variables.tfvars"
if (params.terraformPlan.toLowerCase() == 'apply') {
dir("${workspace}/vaultDeployment/") {
sh "terraform apply --auto-approve"
if (params.terraformPlan.toLowerCase() == 'destroy') {
dir("${workspace}/vaultDeployment/") {
sh "terraform destroy --auto-approve"
Generally, we choose pipeline to execute in Groovy sandbox which has restriction in some aspects for security considering. Like using new
keyword, using static method.
But you need Jenkins admin to add the restriction to whitelist in jenkins > Manage jenkins > In-process Script Approval
To write file, Jenkins pipeline supply alternative writeFile
which has no such restriction.
writeFile file: '<file path>', text: """
vault_token = "${vault_token}"