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Try-with-resources for Base instead of DB

I'd like to use try-with-resources for accessing my database as my code has reached a level of complexity where it's difficult to always remember to close the database when moving between threads - I'd rather use try-with-resources.

I use the Base class, as it's advised to use this for cases where you have just one database. (, 'DB and Base classes' heading)

I found the documentation where it is described you can simply:

try(DB db = new DB()){;
  // Wrong class, I should be using Base

However, unfortunately, this is only the case for the DB class, which it's not advised I use.

In the stack overflow reply here it's said I can write:

try(DB db ={

  // Type error

However, this gives IDE error "Incompatible types. Required DB, Found Connection". If I cast Base, this results in "org.sqlite.SQLiteConnection cannot be cast to org.javalite.activejdbc.DB"

try(DB db = (DB){

  // ClassCastException, you can't cast Base to DB

I've also tried keeping it as a Connection, however, when the code block completes it doesn't close the resource, so I get error "Cannot open a new connection because existing connection is still on current thread, name: default"

try(Connection conn ={

  // Doesn't close resource after completing code block

Is it possible to use try-with-resources with ActiveJDBC's Base class?


  • There is absolutely nothing wrong with using class DB in case of just one database connection. If you look at the code of the class Base you will see that all it does is call the class DB with hard-coded connection name default.

    The recommendation to use the Base class in case of one connection is simply for convenience. If it is more convenient for you to use DB, then use DB.