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How to fix layout management

I'm doing a clone of Minesweeper in Java. Everything was fine, but I wanted to add a counter at the top. And now, some buttons are off the screen. What layouts I have to change to repair it?

Before adding counter: (

After adding "counter" (

And here's my code:

public static JPanel generate() {
            i2w = row*row-ilosc_min;

            przyc = new Sap[row][row];      
            JPanel all = new JPanel();      //panel that contains counter and buttons
            JPanel licznik = new JPanel();  //Counter
            licznik.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(MyFrame.wym-50, 50));    //counter takes 50 px height and full width of frame


            JPanel panel = new JPanel();    //Buttons panel
            panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(row, row));                  

            for(int x = 0; x < row; x++) {  //creating buttons
                for(int y = 0; y < row; y++) {
                    Sap sp = new Sap(x, y); //My buttons that extends JButton
                    przyc[x][y] = sp;       
                    panel.add(sp);          //Adding button to panel
            all.add(panel);                 //All contains counter and buttons

            return all;                     //Returning it

When I don't create a counter panel, buttons are like in the second photo.

Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my main language.


  • first do you know what was the default layout for both of your panel's ? and the shortest work solution is to make the root panel use BorderLayout and when adding the counter call on your root panel object


    and for the button's panel call this on the root panel too


    this would solve it in shortened version but it's better to learn not a sip or part but all about layout managers as they are very important for swing , here is start A Visual Guide to Layout Managers.

    the pack() method is not necessary but it's a great way to fetch the perfect size it was a good idea from the comment but the problem was about your layout witch was FlowLayout and it's the default for panel but you should do it after changing the layout .