consider the following code:
if (matcher1.find()) {
String str = line.substring(matcher1.start()+7,matcher1.end()-1);
/*+7 and -1 indicate the prefix and suffix of the matcher... */
if (matcher2.find()) {
String str = line.substring(matcher2.start()+8,matcher2.end()-1);
I have n matchers, all matchers are independent (if one is true, it says nothing about the others...), for each matcher which is true - I am invoking a different method on the content it matched.
question: I do not like the code duplication nor the "magic numbers" in here, but I'm wondering if there is better way to do it...? (maybe Visitor Pattern?) any suggestions?
Create an abstract class, and add offset in subclass (with string processing too... depending of your requirement).
Then populate them in a list and process the list.
Here is a sample absract processor:
public abstract class AbsractProcessor {
public void find(Pattern pattern, String line) {
Matcher matcher = p.matcher(line);
if (matcher.find()) {
process(line.substring(matcher.start() + getStartOffset(), matcher.end() - getEndOffset()));
protected abstract int getStartOffset();
protected abstract int getEndOffset();
protected abstract void process(String str);