If I convert the decimal number 3120.0005 to float (32-bit) representation, the number gets rounded down to 3120.00048828125.
Assuming we're using a fixed point number with a scale of 10^12 then 1000000000000 = 1.0 and 3120000500000000 = 3120.0005.
What would the formula/algorithm be to round down to the nearest IEEE 754 precision to get 3120000488281250? I would also need a way to get the result of rounding up (3120000732421875).
If you divide by the decimal scaling factor, you'll find your nearest representable float. For rounding the other direction, std::nextafter
can be used:
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
long long scale_to_fixed(float f)
float intf = truncf(f);
long long result = 1000000000000LL;
result *= (long long)intf;
result += round((f - intf) * 1.0e12);
return result;
/* not needed, always good enough to use (float)(n / 1.0e12) */
float scale_from_fixed(long long n)
float result = (n % 1000000000000LL) / 1.0e12;
result += n / 1000000000000LL;
return result;
int main()
long long x = 3120000500000000;
float x_reduced = scale_from_fixed(x);
long long y1 = scale_to_fixed(x_reduced);
long long yfloor = y1, yceil = y1;
if (y1 < x) {
yceil = scale_to_fixed(nextafterf(x_reduced, FLT_MAX));
else if (y1 > x) {
yfloor = scale_to_fixed(nextafterf(x_reduced, -FLT_MAX));
printf("%lld\n%lld\n%lld\n", yfloor, x, yceil);