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Is there a way to perform a ranking in sql without using either analytic functions or correlated subqueries?


select row_number() 
  over (partition by product_category order by price desc) ARank,* 
  from Product

Now: instead of using an analytic function such as _row_number()_ or rank() - and without using correlated subqueries is there a way to obtain the same results in standard sql?

Note: there is an excellent Q&A on how to emulate the analytic functions : Implement Rank without using analytic function. However all of the answers use correlated subqueries .

The motivation is the following: I am using a SQL based repository for which analytic functions are not supported except over timestamp columns and for which correlated subqueries are not supported at all: in particular spark structured streaming . Other standard sql constructs and functions are supported: so the question is about how to obtain these results with the remaining/simpler constructs (if it's actually possible at all).


  • You can do this by joining the table to itself, with the condition that the price in the joined table is less than the price in the original, and then counting the number of rows in the joined table to give an ordering. For example:

    SELECT p1.product_category,, p1.price, COUNT(*) AS row_number
    FROM Product p1
    JOIN Product p2 ON p2.product_category = p1.product_category AND p2.price <= p1.price
    GROUP BY p1.product_category, p1.price,
    ORDER BY p1.product_category, row_number

    Note that if only_full_group_by mode is enabled you need to include all fields in the GROUP BY clause as are in the SELECT (as I have done for this example query).

    Output (for my demo on dbfiddle):

    product_category    name    price   row_number
    clothing            tie     20.00   1
    clothing            shirt   35.99   2
    clothing            coat    55.20   3
    furniture           chair   20.50   1
    furniture           table   108.00  2
    furniture           sofa    134.00  3
    furniture           bed     220.00  4