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Lock current document using lotusscript

I have a document and a copy of the document. I want to create a document lock for the document using LotusScript.

I have separately put the current document inside Computer view and copy document inside Draft view. Below here the action to create a copy.

Create copy

Sub Click(Source As Button)
    Dim ns As New NotesSession
    Dim db As NotesDatabase
    Dim doc As NotesDocument
    Dim newdoc As NotesDocument
    Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection

    Set db= ns.CurrentDatabase
    Set dc= db.UnprocessedDocuments

    If dc.Count<>1 Then
        Messagebox "No or too many documents selected"
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Set doc= dc.GetFirstDocument
    Set newdoc= doc.CopyToDatabase(db)
    Call newdoc.ReplaceItemValue("PStatus", "Draft")
    Call newdoc.Save(True, False)
End Sub

Save Button

Sub Click(Source As Button)
    Dim session As New NotesSession
    Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace
    Dim db As NotesDatabase
    Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
    Dim doc As NotesDocument
    Dim view As NotesView

    Set uidoc = workspace.CurrentDocument
    Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
    Set view = db.GetView("Draft")
    Set doc = view.GetDocumentByKey("Draft", True)
    vpswd = Inputbox$("Pls input code to save :")

    If vpswd = "o" Then

        uidoc.EditMode = True
        Set doc = uidoc.Document
        Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
        If doc.PStatus(0) = "Draft" Then
            Set newdoc= doc.CopyToDatabase(db)
            Call newdoc.ReplaceItemValue("PStatus", "Active")
            Call newdoc.Save(True, False)
        End If
        Call uidoc.FieldSetText("SaveOptions" , "1")

        Call uidoc.Save
        Call uidoc.Close
    End If

End Sub

How can I lock a current document every time I create a copy of the document? E.g current document will lock when the copy document created.

Another question is, for copy document, after I saved, I want to replace the current document as a copy document and a copy document will be a live document. While the current document will not be deleted from the database but deleted from Computer view and displayed in the "Archived" view.

And inside Draft view, copy document will be deleted from view. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!


  • Locking a document should be implicit. Make sure that you use the Status field in all documents. E.g. when you create the copy, set the status of the copied document to "Copied" and the nw documof nt to "Draft". You have to cover all different status changes. Best is also to add one field that contains a unique document Id that can never be changed. Maybe also add a version number.

    Examples of statuses:

    • Draft: document under construction (only one, cannot be copied)
    • Current: valid document (only one, can be copied)
    • Copied: Current document that has been copied (only one, cannot be copied)
    • Archived: document that has been replaced (more than one, cannot be copied)

    It might help to create a STD, a State Transition Diagram.