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Enforce Password complexity on Windows using Powershell

How to Enable password complexity on Workgroup computers using Windows Powershell? I know how to do it on the Domain level. We have some computer which are located on remote locations and they don't have domain access, hence they are on Workgroup.


  • This is not a good solution for powershell. This would be ok for a Local Security Policy.

    1. Go to run and type in SecPol.msc
    2. Go to Account Policies > Password Policy > Password must meet complexity requirements
    3. Set to Enable.
    4. Set Minimum Password Length
    5. Set Maximum Password Age

    So i decided to write a few functions to take care of all this through Powershell for you.

    You can get and edit the Security Policy with this function Parse-SecPol. This will turn the entire config file into a PSobject so you can change properties and sort them or whatever you want to do.

    The Next is Set-SecPol which will allow you to resave the object back into Local Security Policy.

    The Parameter -CfgFile is the location you would like to save the config file.

    Here is full script with example (Must be run as a Administrator)

    Function Parse-SecPol($CfgFile){ 
        secedit /export /cfg "$CfgFile" | out-null
        $obj = New-Object psobject
        $index = 0
        $contents = Get-Content $CfgFile -raw
        [regex]::Matches($contents,"(?<=\[)(.*)(?=\])") | %{
            $title = $_
            [regex]::Matches($contents,"(?<=\]).*?((?=\[)|(\Z))", [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Singleline)[$index] | %{
                $section = new-object psobject
                $_.value -split "\r\n" | ?{$_.length -gt 0} | %{
                    $value = [regex]::Match($_,"(?<=\=).*").value
                    $name = [regex]::Match($_,".*(?=\=)").value
                    $section | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $name.tostring().trim() -Value $value.tostring().trim() -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | out-null
                $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $title -Value $section
            $index += 1
        return $obj
    Function Set-SecPol($Object, $CfgFile){
       $SecPool.psobject.Properties.GetEnumerator() | %{
            $_.Value | %{
                $_.psobject.Properties.GetEnumerator() | %{
        } | out-file $CfgFile -ErrorAction Stop
        secedit /configure /db c:\windows\security\local.sdb /cfg "$CfgFile" /areas SECURITYPOLICY
    $SecPool = Parse-SecPol -CfgFile C:\test\Test.cgf
    $SecPool.'System Access'.PasswordComplexity = 1
    $SecPool.'System Access'.MinimumPasswordLength = 8
    $SecPool.'System Access'.MaximumPasswordAge = 60
    Set-SecPol -Object $SecPool -CfgFile C:\Test\Test.cfg