I'm trying to parse a C++ struct defined in a header file. I'm starting to define the grammar but I've a problem.
This is my code:
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
int main() {
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
// Parse "#if !defined XXX_X_" or "'#ifndef X_X"
auto Ifndef = x3::skip(x3::space)[(x3::lit('#') >> (x3::lit("ifndef") | (x3::lit("if") >> x3::lit("!defined"))))];
auto HeaderGuardFirstRow = Ifndef >> +(x3::alnum | '_');
// Parse "#define XXX_X" or "# define XXX_X"
auto Define = x3::skip(x3::space)[(x3::lit('#') >> x3::lit("define"))];
auto HeaderGuardSecondRow = Define >> +(x3::alnum | '_');
// Parse
// "
// #if !defined XXX_X_
// #define XXX_X
// "
auto HeaderGuardBegin = HeaderGuardFirstRow >> HeaderGuardSecondRow;
// Parse "#endif" or "# endif"
auto HeaderGuardEnd = x3::skip(x3::space)[x3::lit('#') >> (x3::lit("endif"))];
// Parse variable name like "xxx" or "my_var"
auto VariableName = x3::lexeme[x3::char_("a-zA-Z_") >> *(x3::alnum | x3::lit("_"))];
// Skipper for C++ comments (nested /* */ are not handled for now)
auto SingleLineComment = "//" >> *(x3::char_ - x3::eol) >> (x3::eol | x3::eoi);
auto BlockComment = "/*" >> *(x3::char_ - "*/") >> "*/";
auto Skipper = SingleLineComment | BlockComment | x3::ascii::space;
// Parse
// "
// typedef struct {
// } MyStruct;
// "
// ERROR: This parse does not work
auto StructType = -x3::lit("typedef") >> x3::skip(Skipper)[x3::lit("struct") >> x3::lit('{')] >>
x3::skip(Skipper)[x3::lit('}') >> VariableName >> x3::lit(";")];
// Header grammar. Should parse
// "
// #if !defined XXX_H
// #define XXX_H
// typedef struct {
// } MyStruct;
// #endif
// "
auto grammar = HeaderGuardBegin >> *(StructType) >> HeaderGuardEnd;
std::string data01(R"xx(
#if !defined XXX_H
#define XXX_H
bool r = phrase_parse(
std::string data02(R"xx(
#if !defined XXX_H
// Single line comment
#define XXX_H
#endif // !XXX_H
r = phrase_parse(
std::string data03(R"xx(
#if !defined XXX_H
#define XXX_H
typedef struct {
} MyStruct;
// r = false: This parsing does not work.
r = phrase_parse(
return 0;
In the code there are three strings to parse: one with only header guards, the second like the first but with some C++ comments, and the third with an empty struct.
It's the last one that's failing to parse, and I don't understand why. In the grammar that I use for the struct StructType
I first check for an optional typedef
, then the keyword struct
with the {
character that can be attached or not, then I search for the }
character followed by a variable name followed by ;
I don't understand where the error is. What I'm doing wrong in parsing the empty structure?
Few things:
around the "tokens" in the header guards, so it would match including the typedefstruct
because space
also includes line-ends.You can simplify things:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <iomanip>
int main() {
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
// Parse "#if !defined XXX_X_" or "'#ifndef X_X"
auto const Ifndef = (x3::lit('#') >> (x3::lit("ifndef") | (x3::lit("if") >> x3::lit("!defined"))));
auto const HeaderGuardFirstRow = Ifndef >> x3::lexeme[+(x3::alnum | '_')];
// Parse "#define XXX_X" or "# define XXX_X"
auto const Define = (x3::lit('#') >> x3::lit("define"));
auto const HeaderGuardSecondRow = Define >> x3::lexeme[+(x3::alnum | '_')];
// Parse
// "
// #if !defined XXX_X_
// #define XXX_X
// "
auto const HeaderGuardBegin = HeaderGuardFirstRow >> HeaderGuardSecondRow;
// Parse "#endif" or "# endif"
auto const HeaderGuardEnd = x3::lit('#') >> (x3::lit("endif"));
// Parse variable name like "xxx" or "my_var"
auto const VariableName = x3::lexeme[x3::char_("a-zA-Z_") >> *(x3::alnum | x3::lit("_"))];
// Skipper for C++ comments (nested /* */ are not handled for now)
auto const SingleLineComment = "//" >> *(x3::char_ - x3::eol) >> (x3::eol | x3::eoi);
auto const BlockComment = "/*" >> *(x3::char_ - "*/") >> "*/";
auto const Skipper = SingleLineComment | BlockComment | x3::ascii::space;
auto const StructType =
>> "struct" >> '{' >> '}' >> VariableName
>> ";"
// Header grammar.
auto grammar = HeaderGuardBegin >> *StructType >> HeaderGuardEnd;
for (std::string const data : {
#if !defined XXX_H
#define XXX_H
#if !defined XXX_H
// Single line comment
#define XXX_H
#endif // !XXX_H
#if !defined XXX_H
#define XXX_H
typedef struct {
// aloha
} MyStruct;
typedef struct { /* caramba */ } MyOtherStruct
)xx" }) {
auto f = data.begin(), l = data.end();
std::cout << "Parsing " << std::quoted(data) << "\n";
if (phrase_parse(f, l, grammar, Skipper)) {
std::cout << "Parsed\n";
} else {
std::cout << "Failed to parse\n";
if (f!=l) {
std::cout << "Remaining unparsed: " << std::quoted(std::string(f,l)) << "\n";
Parsing "
#if !defined XXX_H
#define XXX_H
Parsing "
#if !defined XXX_H
// Single line comment
#define XXX_H
#endif // !XXX_H
Parsing "
#if !defined XXX_H
#define XXX_H
typedef struct {
// aloha
} MyStruct;
typedef struct { /* caramba */ } MyOtherStruct