I am generating orc files using the following
import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.orc._;
val orcLine:OrcStruct = OrcUtils.createOrcStruct(
new Text(value1),
new Text(value2),
new Text(value3),
new Text(value4),
new Text(value5));
However, the challenge here is sometimes I may have 5 values (value1 ... value5), sometimes 10 (value1 ... value10) and sometimes twenty (value1 ... value20) depends on certain conditions.
How would I be able to bring this dynamic behavior here?
Like if values are 10 I should have
val orcLine:OrcStruct = OrcUtils.createOrcStruct(
new Text(value1),
new Text(value2),
new Text(value3),
new Text(value4),
new Text(value5),
new Text(value6),
new Text(value7),
new Text(value8),
new Text(value9),
new Text(value10));
I may also have sometimes
val orcLine:OrcStruct = OrcUtils.createOrcStruct(
new Text(value1),
new ShortWritable(Short.valueOf(value2)),
new LongWritable(Long.valueOf(value3)),
new DoubleWritable(Double.valueOf(value4)),
new FloatWritable(Float.valueOf(value5)));
I am currently using Scala version 2.11.
Any help is much appreciated!
Let's say your parameters are stored in list:
val params = List(
new Text(value1),
new ShortWritable(Short.valueOf(value2)),
new LongWritable(Long.valueOf(value3)),
new DoubleWritable(Double.valueOf(value4)),
new FloatWritable(Float.valueOf(value5)))
As you probably noticed OrcUtils.createOrcStruct take variadic list of objects as second argument.
In order to pass the list as varargs in scala you need to use :_*
. It would "spread" your list as varargs during method call:
OrcUtils.createOrcStruct(typeInfo, params:_*)