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How do I write a monthly HTML alert that shows relative to the user's timezone

Show an alert in a browser on the whole 24 hour period of a set time frame and show it for the same 24 hour period of a set timezone no matter what the user's timezone is.

Then show the period relative to the user's timezone


  • I spent quite a bit of time figuring this out and wanted to post my results to help someone.

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    // Goal: Show a maintenance alert on a webpage that lasts for the 24 hour period relative to a set time zone and then show the alert with the maintenance period relative to the browser's timezone
    // Variables: You must set the static timezone relative to where the maintenance is happening
    // Scnario: Your server is in one timezone and scheduled maintenance happens every month, and you want to alert users worldwide in their timezone for the whole day
    // Author: Joshua Wyss
    //MUST use .ready to account for the way that Confluence loads the side-bar. Without it the sidebar loads after the alert and makes the sidebar overlap the header until the user scrolls.
    function showHide() {
            // Grab the alert div "s" and the text inside the div "h"
        var s = document.getElementById(4);
        var h = document.getElementById(5);
    // *** SET THESE VARIABLES *** //
        // Set location to ISO timezone
        var location = 'America/Chicago';
        // 24 hr format for start and end of maintnenace relative to above timezone. To use 12 hr format change variables t1 and t2 format to 'hh:mm a' the use the "hh:mm am/pm" see:
        var maintStart = '18:00';
        var maintEnd = '20:00';
        //For weekOfMonth # should be the number week of the month (starting at 1)
        var weekOfMonth = 4;
        //For dayOfWeek # is >> 0=Sun, 1=Mon, 2=Tue, 3=Wed, 4=Thu, 5=Fri, 6=Sat
        var dayOfWeek = 1;
     // *** SET THESE VARIABLES *** //
        //set d to current time in United States Central Time
        var d = moment(moment().utc().format()).tz(location);
        // Get "location" day of month number (example: 22 or 01)
        var centDateNum = d.format('DD').toString();
        // Get "location" day of week number
        var centDayOfWeek = d.format('e').toString();
        // Check if "location" today matches weekOfMonth and dayOfWeek specified
        if (Math.ceil(centDateNum / 7) == weekOfMonth && centDayOfWeek == dayOfWeek) {
            // Show the HTML alert
 = ( == 'block') ? 'none' : 'block';
          // Convert start time to local
            var t1 =, 'HH:mm', location).local().toDate();
          // Convert end time to local
            var t2 =, 'HH:mm', location).local().toDate();
          // Add start and end time to the HTML alert. TO modify formatting see:
            h.innerHTML += " " + moment(t1).format('dddd') + " " + moment(t1).format('HH:mm') + "-" + moment(t2).format('HH:mm');
    <div id="4" style="display:none; background-color: linen; border: 3px solid darkred; margin: 2px; padding: 2px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">
      <h3 id="5">Monthly maintenance scheduled this </h3>
    <body onload="showHide()">