Is there any Intellij Idea hotkey or a plugin to quickly insert variable into string? e.g. i have string
"My code is working, yay! Result is = ",
and i have to add construction "+variable +"
, resulting in
"My code is working, yay! Result is = "+ variable +"."
to properly insert a variable.
When i have to insert variables into 20+ string, its driving me nuts :)
tried to find solution on google or plugin repository, no result
PS: i know about soutv hotkey, but it cant help me since i have to change already existing strings in code
Added Live Template
Abbreviation: ++
Description: Insert variable into string
Expand with: Enter
Template text: "+ $EXPR$ +" (do not forget double quotes)
Edit Template Variable:
expression:variableOfType("") default Value: "expr"
You type ++ in a string, press Enter, and template text is added, and you only need to choose a variable. Works like a charm.
Thanks for the idea, @Meo