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How to create dynamic route in gatsby

I have setup gatsby project using this link. It is working correctly.

Now I know how to create route by defining the component inside the pages folder. But now I have a new challenge I need to create one dynamic route so that I can pass my id in it (Just like reactjs).

<Route path: "/path/:id"/>

How do I do that in gatsby?


  • You have to explicitly tell gatsby that a path should be dynamic. From the docs:

    // gatsby-node.js
    // Implement the Gatsby API “onCreatePage”. This is
    // called after every page is created.
    exports.onCreatePage = async ({ page, actions }) => {
      const { createPage } = actions
      // page.matchPath is a special key that's used for matching pages
      // only on the client.
      if (page.path.match(/^\/app/)) {
        page.matchPath = "/app/*"
        // Update the page.

    and then you can use dynamic routing in src/pages/app.js

    import { Router } from "@reach/router"
    const SomeSubPage = props => {
      return <div>Hi from SubPage with id: {}</div>
    const App = () => (
        <Link to="/app/1">First item</Link>{" "}
        <Link to="/app/2">Second item</Link>{" "}
          // ...dynamic routes here
          <SomeSubPage path="/app/:id" />
    export default App

    Everything that goes to /app/* will be handled dynamically now. You should find your id as usual in the props.

    Have a look at their authentication example