I have the string "18/04/19 5:17 PM EDT" which represents a date. I'm using moment and the add-on moment-timezone and I need to convert this sting into a timestamp.
I'm trying something as:
var date = moment("18/04/19 5:17 PM EDT").format('DD/MM/YY h:m a z');
But this is not working and saying "invalid date".
Please note that moment(String)
When creating a moment from a string, we first check if the string matches known ISO 8601 formats, we then check if the string matches the RFC 2822 Date time format before dropping to the fall back of
new Date(string)
if a known format is not found.
Warning: Browser support for parsing strings is inconsistent. Because there is no specification on which formats should be supported, what works in some browsers will not work in other browsers.
For consistent results parsing anything other than ISO 8601 strings, you should use String + Format.
so you are getting Invalid Date
because your input is neither in ISO 8601 nor RFC 2822 recognized format, then you have to provide format parameter when parsing it.
moment(String, String)
does not accept 'z'
token, so you have to use moment-timezone to parse your input using zone, see Parsing in Zone docs:
constructor takes all the same arguments as the moment constructor, but uses the last argument as a time zone identifier.
You can use format()
and other methods listed in the Displaying section of the docs (e.g. valueOf()
) to display the value of a moment object.
Here a live sample:
var date = moment.tz("18/04/19 5:17 PM EDT", 'DD/MM/YY h:m A', 'America/New_York');
console.log(date.valueOf()); // 1555622220000
console.log(date.format()); // 2019-04-18T17:17:00-04:00
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.24.0/moment.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment-timezone/0.5.23/moment-timezone-with-data-2012-2022.min.js"></script>
As a side note, remeber that time zone abbreviations are ambiguous, see here for additional info.