I wanted to write a parser that converts a String to a BigDecimal. It is required that it is 100% accurate. (Well, I am currently programming for fun. So I rather ask for it... ;-P)
So I came up with this programm:
public static BigDecimal parse(String term) {
char[] termArray = term.toCharArray();
BigDecimal val = new BigDecimal(0D);
int decimal = 0;
for(char c:termArray) {
if(Character.isDigit(c)) {
if(decimal == 0) {
val = val.multiply(new BigDecimal(10D));
val = val.add(new BigDecimal(Character.getNumericValue(c)));
} else {
val = val.add(new BigDecimal(Character.getNumericValue(c) * Math.pow(10, -1D * decimal)));
if(c == '.') {
if(decimal != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There mustn't be multiple points in this number: " + term);
} else {
return val;
So I tried:
I expected it to be 12.45
. Instead, it was 12.45000000000000002498001805406602215953171253204345703125
. I know this might be due to limitations of the binary representation. But how can I get around this?
Note: I know that you can just use new BigDecimal("12.45");
. But that's not my point - I want to write it on my own, regardless of how stupid this might be.
Yes, it's due to the limitations of binary representation. Any negative power of 10 can't be represented exactly as a double
To get around this, replace all double
arithmetic with all BigDecimal
val = val.add(
new BigDecimal(Character.getNumericValue(c)).divide(BigDecimal.TEN.pow(decimal)));
With this I get 12.45