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Plotting coverage depth in 1kb windows?

I would like to plot average coverage depth across my genome, with chromosomes lined in increasing order. I have calculated coverage depth per position for my genome using samtools. I would like to generate a plot (which uses 1kb windows) like Figure 7:

Example dataframe:

Chr   locus depth
chr1    1   20  
chr1    2   24  
chr1    3   26  
chr2    1   53  
chr2    2   71  
chr2    3   74  
chr3    1   29  
chr3    2   36  
chr3    3   39  

Do I need to change the format of the dataframe to allow continuous numbering for the V2 variable? Is there a way to average every 1000 lines, and to plot the 1kb windows? And how would I go about plotting?

UPDATE EDIT: I was able to create a new dataset as a rolling average of non overlapping 1kb windows using this post: Genome coverage as sliding window and I did make V2 continuous ie (1:9 instead of 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3)

library(reshape) # to rename columns
library(data.table) # to make sliding window dataframe
library(zoo) # to apply rolling function for sliding window

#genome coverage as sliding window
Xdepth.average<-setDT(Xdepth)[, .(
  window.start = rollapply(locus, width=1000, by=1000, FUN=min, align="left", partial=TRUE),
  window.end = rollapply(locus, width=1000, by=1000, FUN=max, align="left", partial=TRUE),
  coverage = rollapply(coverage, width=1000, by=1000, FUN=mean, align="left", partial=TRUE)
), .(Chr)]

And to plot

Xdepth.average.plot <- ggplot(Xdepth.average, aes(x=window.end, y=coverage, colour=Chr)) + 
  geom_point(shape = 20, size = 1) +
  scale_x_continuous(name="Genomic Position (bp)", limits=c(0, 12071326), labels = scales::scientific) +
  scale_y_continuous(name="Average Coverage Depth", limits=c(0, 200))

I didn't have any luck using facet_grid so I added reference lines using geom_vline(xintercept = c(). See the answer I posted below for extra details/codes as well as links to plots. Now I just need to work on the labeling...


  • Playing around more with the program, I was able to create a new dataset as a rolling average of non overlapping 1kb windows using this post: Genome coverage as sliding window which did not take long or suck up a lot of memory.

    library(reshape) # to rename columns
    library(data.table) # to make sliding window dataframe
    library(zoo) # to apply rolling function for sliding window
     #upload data to dataframe, rename headers, make locus continuous, create subsets
    depth <- read.table("sorted.depth", sep="\t", header=F)
    depth<-rename(depth,c(V1="Chr", V2="locus", V3="coverageX", V3="coverageY")
    depth$locus <- 1:12157105
    Xdepth<-subset(depth, select = c("Chr", "locus","coverageX"))
    #genome coverage as sliding window
    Xdepth.average<-setDT(Xdepth)[, .(
      window.start = rollapply(locus, width=1000, by=1000, FUN=min, align="left", partial=TRUE),
      window.end = rollapply(locus, width=1000, by=1000, FUN=max, align="left", partial=TRUE),
      coverage = rollapply(coverage, width=1000, by=1000, FUN=mean, align="left", partial=TRUE)
    ), .(Chr)]

    To plot new dataset:

    #plot sliding window by end position and coverage
    Xdepth.average.plot <- ggplot(Xdepth.average, aes(x=window.end, y=coverage, colour=Chr)) + 
      geom_point(shape = 20, size = 1) +
      scale_x_continuous(name="Genomic Position (bp)", limits=c(0, 12071326), labels = scales::scientific) +
      scale_y_continuous(name="Average Coverage Depth", limits=c(0, 250))

    Then I tried to add facet_grid(. ~ Chr) to split by chromosome, but each panel is spaced far apart and repeats the full axis instead of it being continuous.

    Update: I've tried various tweaks with scales = "free_x" and space = "free_x". The closest was removing the limits from scale_x_continuous() and using both scales = "free_x" and space = "free_x" with facet_grid but the panel width still isn't proportional to the chromosome size and the x-axis is very wonky. For comparison, I manually added reference lines using geom_vline(xintercept = c() between the chromosomes (expected result).

    Ideal separation and X axis without panel labels using

    Xdepth.average.plot +
      geom_vline(xintercept = c(230218, 1043402, 1360022, 2891955, 3468829, 3738990, 4829930, 5392573, 5832461, 6578212, 7245028, 8323205, 9247636, 10031969, 11123260, 12071326, 12157105))

    Plot with Reference lines

    Removing limit from scale_x_continuous() and using facet_grid

    Xdepth.average.plot5 <- ggplot(Xdepth.average, aes(x=window.end, y=coverage, colour=Chr)) + 
      geom_point(shape = 20, size = 1) +
      scale_x_continuous(name="Genomic Position (bp)", labels = scales::scientific, breaks = 
                           c(0, 2000000, 4000000, 6000000, 8000000, 10000000, 12000000)) +
      scale_y_continuous(name="Average Coverage Depth", limits=c(0, 200), breaks = c(0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500)) +
      theme_bw() +
      theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
    X.p5 <- Xdepth.average.plot5 + facet_grid(. ~ Chr, labeller=chr_labeller, space="free_x", scales = "free_x")+
      theme(panel.spacing.x = grid::unit(0, "cm"))

    Plot with Facets and no limit on X-axis