I have a MS Word Table with FormFields in it. I am looping through the FormFields in the Document and I'd like to retrieve the Row to find adjacent cell text. Suggestions or thoughts are welcome.
With WordDoc
j = 0
For Each FField In WordDoc.FormFields
With FField
Select Case .Type
Case Is = wdFieldFormTextInput, wdFieldFormDropDown
'strResult = .Result
Case Is = wdFieldFormCheckBox
If FField.Name Like "*_n" Then
If FField.CheckBox.Value = True Then
'I Need Table Row from this Form Field
End If
End If
End If
'strResult = .CheckBox.Value
End Select
End With
j = j + 1
'wkSht.Cells(i, j) = strResult
End With
Final Solution (within the True If statement):
Dim ffRow As Integer
ffRow = FField.Range.Information(wdEndOfRangeRowNumber)
If FField.Range.Information(wdWithInTable) Then
unusedRow = wkSht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Offset(1, 0).row
wkSht.Cells(unusedRow, 2).Value = FField.Range.Tables(1).Rows(ffRow).Cells(1).Range.Text
wkSht.Cells(unusedRow, 3).Value = FField.Range.Tables(1).Rows(ffRow).Cells(5).Range.Text
End If
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