I would like to generate some code from my object tree. In order to generate the required import statements, I need to find out the source code location for a given class from a class instance.
I am already able to get the expected name MyClass
var name = instance.constructor.name;
but not the source code location
=>How to do so?
For Java it would work like described here:
Find where java class is loaded from
If I inspect the constructor in Chrome developer tools with dir(constructor), I can see some property
[[FunctionLocation]]: myClass.js:3
and if I hover over it, I can see the wanted path. How can I get that property programmatically?
Just found that [[FunctionLocation]] is not accessible:
A possible work around seems to be to call
var stack = new Error().stack;
var lastLine = stack.split('\n').pop();
var startIndex = lastLine.indexOf('/src/');
var endIndex = lastLine.indexOf('.js:') + 3;
return '.' + lastLine.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
in the constructor of MyClass
and store it for later access:
this.name = name;
this.constructor.importLocation = this.determineImportLocation();
That would however require to modify all classes that I would like to import
. Please let me know if there is a solution that does not require to modify the class itself.