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Excel: Custom Ribbon template (XLSTART)

I have created a custom tab for the Excel ribbon with a single group and a single button. This is saved as an XLSM file and when opening it works as supposed.

I would like this custom tab to to appear whenever an excel document is opened. The XLSM file is saved on the XLSTART folder and does launch when any excel document is opened. The issue is that 2 documents are opened, the XLSM with the custom tab and the clicked on file with the standard Ribbon only.

I guess this is normal since it's considered a separate file and not a template; but if the file is saved as template (tested both XLTX and XLTM) Excel won't read it at all.

  • Double-clicking on the template does open it (the issue is to make it launch automatically)
  • Issue appears only when the document in XLSTART is a template
  • References in the template are written in the correct language
  • Already tested on different machines
  • I'm using Excel 2016 (32bit)

The idea is to provide this template to every user who needs the tool in the custom tab without having to create an installation executable file (blocked in our environment) and have it launch automatically with excel.

Have you encountered this issue or know something that I might have missed?


<customUI xmlns="" onL`oad="OnRibbonLoad">
      <tab id="tab0" label="NUEVOVI Tools">
        <group id="grp0" autoScale="true" centerVertically="false" label="Any365 Reports" getVisible ="GetVisible" tag = "RibbonName:=;inMenu:=;CustomTagValue1:=;CustomTagValue2:=;CustomTagValue3:=;CustomPicture:=;CustomPicturePath:=" >
          <button idMso="ChartInsert" showLabel="true" size="large" label="Generate" tag="RibbonName:=;inMenu:=;CustomTagValue1:=;CustomTagValue2:=;CustomTagValue3:=;CustomPicture:=;CustomPicturePath:=" onAction="generateReport" getVisible="GetVisible" getEnabled="GetEnabled" />

.rels file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Relationships xmlns=""><Relationship Id="R7f19f805bfb641b9" Type=""    Target="customUI/customUi14.xml"/><Relationship Id="rId3" Type="" Target="docProps/app.xml"/><Relationship Id="rId2" Type="" Target="docProps/core.xml"/><Relationship Id="rId1" Type="" Target="xl/workbook.xml"/></Relationships>



  • The issue was solved by saving the file as XLAM. That made it work perfectly. For some (for me unknown) reason template files do not get loaded from the XLSTART forlder.