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Elasticsearch: IndicesQuery in new Java API versions

I have two indices. One contains a nested object and the other one doesn't. When I try to execute a query on both of these indices, I get the following error:

IllegalStateException[[nested] failed to find nested object under path [nestedItems]]; ]

Basically the same error as described in this question. There the answer suggest that I should use the indices query. I was able to find method QueryBuilders.indicesQuery(...) in the Java API 5.0 docs.

However, the indices query was deprecated in 5.0 stating:

Deprecated in 5.0.0. Search on the _index field instead.

I couldn't find a way to use the _index field in current API (7.0). How can I use it from Java?


  • Solved: turned out that nested query has attribute ignore_unmapped which should be set to true.