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HLSL: problematic pixelshader code (alpha at zero when sampling)?

I have this strange problem with the sampler in the pixel shaders. When I sample from a sampler into an empty float4 variable I always get black/transparent color back. So if I use this I get a black screen:

float4 PixelShaderFunction(float2 TextureCoordinate : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
        float2 uv = TextureCoordinate;          
        float4 pixelColor = tex2D(implicitInputSampler, uv);

        pixelColor.rgb = ((pixelColor.rgb - 0.5f) * max(Contrast, 0)) + 0.5f;

        pixelColor.rgb = pixelColor.rgb + (Brightness - 1);

        // return final pixel color
        return pixelColor;

I I use this instead it works ok:

float4 PixelShaderFunction(float2 TextureCoordinate : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
        float2 uv = TextureCoordinate;          
        float4 pixelColor = {0,0,0,1};
        pixelColor += tex2D(implicitInputSampler, uv);

        pixelColor.rgb = ((pixelColor.rgb - 0.5f) * max(Contrast, 0)) + 0.5f;

        pixelColor.rgb = pixelColor.rgb + (Brightness - 1);

        // return final pixel color
        return pixelColor;

This happens only on my dev environment at home on a AMD 4850 GPU. When I try it on some nVidias or AMD5850 it works in any case...

What is the reason for this? Did I miss some device initialization?



  • It seems that the A in the pixel shader source texture indeed is 0...

    The texture is declared as A8R8G8B8 and device.StretchRectangle is used to fill the texture.

    This method works differently depending on hardware :/