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Access nth child of ViewChildren Querylist (Angular)

I'm trying to access the nth child of a viewchildren querylist.

Below is my TS:

@ViewChildren(PopoverDirective) popovers: QueryList<PopoverDirective>;

The console.log shows changes, first, last, length and _results.

How can I access the nth child (i.e., 3rd, instead of first)?

When I try to do this with _results (i.e., this.popovers._results[2]), I get an error.

Thank you.


  • There are actually a couple of methods which you can access a particular inside you QueryLists

    1st method: .filter()

    You can also use .map and .reduce based on your preferences

    // Since if you have 3 items in an array, the counting starts at 0, so 1 is the 2nd element
    const elementTwo = this.popovers.filter((element, index) => index === 1);
    // Or if you want to be specific based on the data inside the PopoverDirective
    // and if that PopoverDirective has an @Input() name, you can access it by:
    const elementTwo = this.popovers.filter((element, index) => === 'John');

    2nd method: .forEach()

    // You can perform any action inside the .forEach() which you can readily access the element
    this.popovers.forEach((element, index) => console.log(element));

    3rd method: first and last

    this.popovers.first         // This will give you the first element of the Popovers QueryList
    this.popovers.last          // This will give the last element of the Popovers QueryList

    Raw Array List: .toArray()

    this.popovers.toArray();    // This will give you the list of popovers caught by your QueryList