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How to dynamically add angular components to the DOM without a pre-determined ViewContainerRef?

  • This is a solution I found that I think will be useful to others.

  • This can be applied to any native element that does not have a ViewContainerRef set on it.

I am trying to implant an angular component inside a table (Tabulator v4.2) on a click event. The table is being created dynamically by a plugin, so I do not have access to the DOM elements I need to set an angular ViewContainerRef for. In the click event callback, I have access to the element I wish to add the angular component to.

How do I add the angular component to that element without an angular ViewContainerRef set on it?

Each click should create a new component and set it inside the given DOM element.


  • I solved it using the Angular renderer and Angular dynamic components. Angular Dynamic Component Loader

    Parent component HTML

    <ng-template #willContainTheChildComponent></ng-template>

    Parent component class

    @ViewChild('willContainTheChildComponent', {read: ViewContainerRef}) willContainTheChildComponent: ViewContainerRef;
    constructor(private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver,
        private renderer: Renderer2) {
    //The click handler
                onClick: (e, row) => {
                    const componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(TheComponentClass);
                    const component = this.willContainTheChildComponent.createComponent(componentFactory);
                    //Here I have access to component.instance to manipulate the class' contents
                    this.renderer.appendChild(row.getElement(), component.location.nativeElement);