Search code examples

Rename columns in esttab

Consider the following toy example using the community-contributed command esttab:

sysuse auto, clear
estpost tabstat  mpg price, statistics(count mean) columns(statistics) listwise 
esttab . , title("summary stats") cells("count(fmt(%5.0f)) mean(fmt(%5.0f))")

summary stats

                    count         mean
mpg                    74           21
price                  74         6165

How can I change the column name from count to N?


  • Use the collabels() option:

    sysuse auto, clear
    estpost tabstat  mpg price, statistics(count mean) columns(statistics) listwise 
    esttab . , title("summary stats") collabels("N" "Mean") ///
               cells("count(fmt(%5.0f)) mean(fmt(%5.0f))")
    summary stats
                            N         Mean
    mpg                    74           21
    price                  74         6165
    N                      74             