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How to list files in directory inside classpath in web module

Inside my WEB application there is a classpath or resource directory with JSON and text files.


I need a InputStream (to give to Jackson JSON ObjectMapper) to all JSON files in this directory.

I do a

URL dirUrl = getClass().getResource("/mydir");

which gives me


Which is the correct directory but any next step using toUri, File or nio classes complains that 'vfs' is not supported.

Are there any (JBoss/EAP) utility classes to read resources from the classpath inside a JBoss EAP or can someone give an example to do a JSON file listing of a classpath directory? Hopefully not using yet another dependency.

Runtime: JBoss EAP 7.1.4.GA (WildFly Core 3.0.17.Final-redhat-1)
Java: 1.8.0_191-b12


  • The answer from @Karol finally led me to the RedHat jboss-vfs framework I was looking for. So I included the following maven artefact in my pom:


    Then I do the following:

    URL dirUrl = getClass().getResource("/mydir");
    VirtualFile vfDir = VFS.getChild(dirUrl.toURI());
    List<VirtualFile> jsonVFs = vfDir.getChildren(new VirtualFileFilter() {
        public boolean accepts(VirtualFile file) {
            return file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".json");
    for (int i = 0; i < jsonVFs.size(); i++) {
        VirtualFile vf = jsonVFs.get(i);
        File f = vf.getPhysicalFile();
        MyClass fromJson = objectMapper.readValue(f, MyClass.class); 
        // Do something with it..

    Exactly what I needed.