I have created a workflow to restrict the changes in the estimation once it has been added. However, I want to give this permission to the Admins but restrict all other groups such as Developers.
I have tried isInGroup function but it's not working correctly and I always get an exception.
var entities = require('@jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/entities');
var workflow = require('@jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/workflow');
exports.rule = entities.Issue.onChange({
title: 'Protect_estimations',
guard: function(ctx) {
if(!ctx.current.isInGroup('Admin')) {
return (ctx.issue.fields.oldValue(ctx.Estimation) !== null && ctx.issue.fields.isChanged(ctx.Estimation) === true); }
return false; },
action: function(ctx) {
workflow.check(false,'Sorry, you cannot update estimates'); },
requirements: {
Estimation: {
type: entities.Field.periodType,
name: 'Estimation'
} } });
The condition !ctx.current.isInGroup('Admin') does not work whereas rest of the code is running perfect. Do I need to add any rule in the 'requirements' section in order to get this done? Please suggest.
To resolve the issue, I suggest you use the currentUser property instead:
I hope this helps.