Anyone knows how to persist UTC Timestamp in Firestore?
In my Angular
app, if I convert today's date to a Timestamp like the following and I end up with a UTC+2
(it's summer time here right now in Switzerland) date in the Firestore database
import {firebase} from '@firebase/app';
import '@firebase/firestore';
const myTimestamp = firebase.firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(new Date());
If for example I try to convert a date from the winter time, I end up with UTC+1
Timestamp in the database
const myTimestamp = firebase.firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(new Date(2019, 0, 1));
If I would use now()
I end up with UTC+2
dates too
const now: firebase.firestore.Timestamp =;
I don't do anything particular when I persist the data:
const now: firebase.firestore.Timestamp =;
const myTimestamp = firebase.firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(new Date());
const myData = {
created_at: now,
another_value: myTimestamp
await this.collection.add(myData);
Any idea how is it possible to create valid UTC
Timestamp for Firestore?
Firestore timestamps don't have a timezone encoded into them. It just stores the offset from the Unix epoch using a combination of seconds and nanoseconds (which are fields on the Timestamp object). Most date/time objects are like this - they don't care what the timezome is, it's just an absolute point in time.
If you view a timestamp field in the console, you will see the time displayed in the local timezone that your computer uses from its local settings.
If you convert a timestamp to a JavaScript Date object, that date object naturally renders itself in the browser's local timezome, similar to the console.
If you want to render a Date object for a specific timezone, you should use a library to do that for you, such as moment.js.