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Extract numeric portion from an alphanumeric string in Excel 2010

I would like to extract all the numbers from an alphanumeric string in excel. I have an excel sheet with list of alphanumeric strings as shown below and I would like to extract all the numbers from the alphanumeric string and store it in a new cell

enter image description here

I already tried the below formula found online but it outputs '6' as result but it isn't right, so can anyone please help me with it?


I would expect the output of this string:


to be:


Please note that I wish to do this only via Excel. Preferrably some functions rather than macro.


  • Here's a UDF that will handle this using REGEX (normally the fastest way to handle complex string manipulations). It removes everything that isn't a number and returns it as a string.

    Function NumbersOnly(rng As Range)
     Dim nReturn As Variant
     With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
            .Pattern = "[^0-9]"
            .MultiLine = True
            .Global = True
            nReturn = .Replace(rng.Value2, vbNullString)
        End With
        NumbersOnly = nReturn
    End Function

    If you want a number simply wrap the function in a "VALUE" function.
