SQLiteDatabase db = DatabaseProvider.dbHelper.getReadableDatabase();
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("Select * from " + ConsumerEnquiryTable.TABLE_NAME + " where "
+ ConsumerEnquiryTable.Cols.USER_LOGIN_ID + "='" + userId + "' AND ( CAST("
+ ConsumerEnquiryTable.Cols.DUE_DATE + " as datetime) >= CAST(" + beginDate +
" as datetime) AND CAST(" + ConsumerEnquiryTable.Cols.DUE_DATE + " as datetime) <= CAST("+ endDate + " as datetime)) AND "
+ ConsumerEnquiryTable.Cols.CARD_STATUS + "='" + jobCardStatus + "'", null);
I have tried with CAST, strftime, datetime. The due_date column is of varchar type and i want to select records having due_date between beginDate and endDate. All the dates are of dd/MM/yyyy format
If you change the column's DUE_DATE
format to YYYY-MM-DD
, which is the only comparable format for SQLite, then all you need is a BETWEEN
clause and pass all the arguments as a string array, which is the recommended safest way to avoid any risk of sql injection:
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(
"SELECT * FROM " + ConsumerEnquiryTable.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " +
ConsumerEnquiryTable.Cols.USER_LOGIN_ID + " = ? AND (" +
ConsumerEnquiryTable.Cols.DUE_DATE + " BETWEEN ? AND ?) AND " +
ConsumerEnquiryTable.Cols.CARD_STATUS + " = ?",
new String[] {userId, beginDate, endDate, jobCardStatus}
Of course the arguments beginDate and endDate must also be in the YYYY-MM-DD