I've installed tippy.js to handle my tooltips, however I am struggling to get the tooltips to display the content set from the data attribute. My default tooltip is working fine, however when I initialise by a class, to be able to add a different style to the tooltip, it doesn't get the content from the tooltip.
animation: 'scale',
animateFill: false,
maxWidth: 240,
duration: 0,
arrow: false,
tippy('.js-tippy-reviews', {
theme: 'reviews',
animation: 'scale',
animateFill: false,
maxWidth: 240,
duration: 0,
arrow: false,
If I add the content method to tippy it will display, however since the content of the tooltip is dynamic, i need to set it on the data attribute. I am unsure how to pass the data attribute from the element into tippy.
content: this.dataset.tippy
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
<div class="js-tippy-reviews reviews-notification" data-tippy="2 Pending Reviews"></div>
You could add the onShow() function and read it from the instance and set the content from the reference dataset.
animation: 'scale',
animateFill: false,
maxWidth: 240,
duration: 0,
arrow: false,
tippy('.js-tippy-reviews', {
theme: 'reviews',
animation: 'scale',
animateFill: false,
maxWidth: 240,
duration: 0,
arrow: false,
onShow(instance) {
instance.popper.hidden = instance.reference.dataset.tippy ? false : true;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/popper.js@1"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/tippy.js@4"></script>
<div class="js-tippy-reviews reviews-notification" data-tippy="test">CONTENT</div>
<input type="text" id="test-input" />
<button id="btn-change-data">Change data-tippy</button>