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Mocking current value of react ref in jest for shallow test

I am trying to mock this.ref.current.value as part of a test of a function in my React component. Currently current is null because I am doing a shallow mount of my component. I am trying to find a way to mock what current.value returns for my ref so that I can test another part of the function, what the refs value is doesn't actually matter for this test.

Actual function:

copyDefinitionTarget = selectedInput => () => {
    // get and select the input value
    const copyText = this[`${selectedInput}`].current.value;

    // copy to clipboard

Test code:

it('calls navigator.clipboard appropriately to copy the text in copyDefinitionTarget', () => {
    component = shallow(<Alert {...props} />);



Test failure:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null

      50 |     // get and select the input value
    > 51 |     const copyText = this[`${selectedInput}`].current.value;

Is there any way to do this? I care about testing that navigator.clipboard was called not what it was called with.

Updating because I've changed my code to use this.ref instead of stringRefName Actual function:

copyDefinitionTarget = selectedInput => () => {
    // get and select the input value
    const copyText = selectedInput.current.value;
    // copy to clipboard

Test code:

it('calls navigator.clipboard appropriately to copy the text in copyDefinitionTarget', () => {
    component = shallow(<Alert {...props} />);
instance = component.instance();

    // we are clicking on the first Alert Item
    // so mock that ref specifically
    instance.firstNameRef = {
      current: {
        value: 'stuff'



Function call:



  • You could go ahead and do something like this:

    const component = shallow(<Alert {...props} />);
    const selectedInput = 'ref';
    component.instance()[selectedInput] = {
      current: {
        value: 'stuff'
    navigator.clipboard = {writeText: jest.fn()}

    Note: I am not sure what kind of string selectedInput should be, you could pass any string which is appropriate according to your real component code.

    Since the ref exists as a instance property on the component, you can just pass any object you wish as long as it looks like current.value, then you can replace the copy function with a mock, simulate the click and then see if writeText was called.