Let's say we have a class BST_Node :
struct BST_Node {
BST_Node* left;
BST_Node* right;
And a class AVL_Node :
struct AVL_Node : BST_Node {
int height;
and in some function
void destroyTree() {
BST_Node *mynode = new AVL_Node;
delete mynode; // Is it ok ?
When the destructor is non virtual but there are only primitives types in derived, is it safe to call delete on base class ? (will there be no memory leaks ?)
What is the rule when declaring a destructor virtual in derived class only ? As I understood, all of the destructors are the same function, we can call it destructor() and then when we delete a base pointer, the destructor is called only for the base class, but when deleting a derived class, the destructor will also being dispatched into sub-derived classes.
When the destructor is non virtual but there are only primitives types in derived, is it safe to call delete on base class ? (will there be no memory leaks ?)
You might not be aware of it, but these are two different questions.
The latter answer is: no, there won't be any memory leaks for this specific example, but there could be for other examples.
And the reason why is the answer to the former question: no, it is not safe to do this. This constitutes undefined behavior, even if the behavior is well-understood for nearly all compilers—and 'understood' is not synecticy for "is safe to do", just to be clear.
When you write code like delete mynode;
, the compiler has to figure out which destructor to call. If the destructor for mynode
is not virtual, then it will always use the base destructor, doing whatever the base destructor needs to do, but not whatever the derived destructor needs to do.
In this case, that's not such a big deal: the only thing AVL_Node
adds is a locally allocated int
variable, which will be cleaned up as part of the same process that cleans up the whole pointer.
But if your code were like this instead:
struct AVL_Node : public BST_Node {
std::unique_ptr<int> height = std::make_unique<int>();
Then this code would definitely cause memory leaks, even though we've expressly used a smart pointer in the construction of the derived object! The smart pointer doesn't save us from the tribulations of delete
ing a base pointer with a non-virtual
And in general, your code could cause any kind of leak, including but not limited to resource leaks, file handle leaks, and so on, if AVL_Node
were responsible for other objects. Consider, for example, if AVL_Node
had something like this, which is extremely common in certain kinds of graphics code:
struct AVL_Node : public BST_Node {
int handle;
AVL_Node() {
glGenArrays(1, &handle);
* Pretend we implemented the copy/move constructors/assignment operators as needed
~AVLNode() {
glDeleteArrays(1, &handle);
Your code wouldn't leak memory (in your own code), but it would leak an OpenGL object (and any memory allocated by that object).
What is the rule when declaring a destructor virtual in derived class only ?
If you never plan to store a pointer to the base class, then this is fine.
It's also unnecessary unless you plan to also create further derived instances of the derived class.
So here's the example we'll use for the sake of clarity:
struct A {
std::unique_ptr<int> int_ptr = std::make_unique<int>();
struct B : A {
std::unique_ptr<int> int_ptr_2 = std::make_unique<int>();
virtual ~B() = default;
struct C : B {
std::unique_ptr<int> int_ptr_3 = std::make_unique<int>();
//virtual ~C() = default; // Unnecessary; implied by B having a virtual destructor
Now here's all the the code that's safe and unsafe to use with these three classes:
auto a1 = std::make_unique<A>(); //Safe; a1 knows its own type
std::unique_ptr<A> a2 = std::make_unique<A>(); //Safe; exactly the same as a1
auto b1 = std::make_unique<B>(); //Safe; b1 knows its own type
std::unique_ptr<B> b2 = std::make_unique<B>(); //Safe; exactly the same as b1
std::unique_ptr<A> b3 = std::make_unique<B>(); //UNSAFE: A does not have a virtual destructor!
auto c1 = std::make_unique<C>(); //Safe; c1 knows its own type
std::unique_ptr<C> c2 = std::make_unique<C>(); //Safe; exactly the same as c1
std::unique_ptr<B> c3 = std::make_unique<C>(); //Safe; B has a virtual destructor
std::unique_ptr<A> c4 = std::make_unique<C>(); //UNSAFE: A does not have a virtual destructor!
So if B
(a class with a virtual
destructor) inherits from A
(a class without a virtual
destructor), but as a programmer, you promise you will never refer to an instance of B
with an A
pointer, then you have nothing to worry about. So in that case, like my example tries to show, there may be valid reasons to declare the destructor of a derived class virtual
while leaving the super class' destructor non-virtual