I have a code that outputs interpolated string to the log with NLog.
Here is an example
_logger.LogDebug($"REQUEST {webRequest.RequestUri}", Id)
WebResponse webResponse = await _httpService.SendRequestAsync(webRequest);
var response = ParseResponse(webResponse);
_logger.LogDebug($"RESPONSE {(int)response.StatusCode} {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response.Body)}", Id);
In this example, in a first case of calling the function _logger.LogDebug, I get the expected result as a result:
2019-04-15 09:27:24.5027 DEBUG e1701b07-d228-4543-a320-3cb1b7f2e4b0 REQUEST http://url/
But in the second case, the expected result is wrapped in additional quotes.
2019-04-15 09:27:57.2907 DEBUG "e1701b07-d228-4543-a320-3cb1b7f2e4b0 RESPONSE 200 [{...},{...}]"
Here is the _logger.LogDebug method
using NLog;
private static readonly ILogger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
public void LogDebug(string message, Guid id)
Logger.Debug($"{id.ToString()} {message}");
The result of the JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response.Body) is a string representation of array of json eg: [{"key":"value","key":"value"},{"key":"value","key":"value"}]
Here is a part of my Nlog.config
<target name="csv" xsi:type="File" fileName="${shortdate}-${level}-services.log">
<layout xsi:type="CSVLayout" delimiter="Tab" withHeader="false">
<column name="time" layout="${longdate}" />
<column name="level" layout="${uppercase:${level}}"/>
<column name="message" layout="${message}" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="csv" />
Why do I get additional quotes in the second case and how can I avoid it?
As per the docs,
CSV Options quoting - Default Quoting mode for columns.
Default: Auto
Possible values:
Auto - Quote only whose values contain the quote symbol, the separator or newlines (Slow)
All - Quote all column. Useful for data known to be multiline such as Exception-ToString
(Fast) Nothing - Quote nothing (Very Fast)
The default is Auto
- which means it is quoting your string since it contains a quote, a tab (the separator) or a new line.
It is important it does this, so that the file is a valid CSV file (otherwise Excel etc don't know where the column data begins and ends.