I have a problem with localization of the site. An example of module which is not translated looks like this:
defmodule JpWeb.SpecialistDefinitions do
import JpWeb.Gettext
@specialists_search_definition %{
schema: Jp.Profiles.Specialist,
filters: [
field: :is_verified,
operation: "==",
options: [{"Yes", true}, {"No", false}],
label: gettext("Is verified")
field: :photo,
operation: "is_present",
label: gettext("With photo")
Strings in template files localized as expected.
With the @ syntax we’re defining a module attribute. Those are set at compile time. This means your gettext function is evaluated only once, when when you compile you code.
So I changed the @specialists_search_definition
def specialists_search_definition, do:
and everything worked.