my dsl job script in brief
job('test') {
steps {
shell('echo VERSION=$VERSION > version.txt\n' +
'echo VERSION_SUFFIX=$VERSION_SUFFIX >> version.txt\n' +
'echo GROUP_ID=$GROUP_ID >> version.txt')
// EnvInject Plugin
environmentVariables {
publishers {
postBuildScripts {
steps {
shell('echo ${VERSION}')
downstreamParameterized {
trigger('next-job') {
parameters {
predefinedProp('relVersion', '${VERSION}')
I need $VERSION number to pass to the downstream job a parameter.
I tried, ${env.VERSION} and also tried many options, but i couldn't catch the VERSION . any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
You can use the option Prepare an environment for the run
which is executed before SCM.
Option Prepare an environment for the run
is not belongs pre-build/ build /post build
, but job properties
There is no job DSL API supports to configure this option. But we can use configure block.
job('next-job') {
configure { project ->
project / 'properties' << 'EnvInjectJobProperty' {
info {
loadFilesFromMaster false
propertiesContent 'Branch=${relVersion}'
keepBuildVariables true
keepJenkinsSystemVariables true
overrideBuildParameters false
on true
} // end of configure block
scm {
git {
remote {
} // end of scm
steps {}
publishers {}
Above job DSL can generate following xml as the content of seed job's config.xml
<scm class='hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM'>
You can try jod DSL on to check generated xml from it as expect or not.