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jenkins dsl job script: How to access environment variable, (which is injected via propertiesFile, ) in downstreamParameterized step

my dsl job script in brief

job('test') {
  steps {
    shell('echo VERSION=$VERSION > version.txt\n' +
          'echo VERSION_SUFFIX=$VERSION_SUFFIX >> version.txt\n' + 
          'echo GROUP_ID=$GROUP_ID >> version.txt')

    // EnvInject Plugin 
    environmentVariables {

  publishers {
    postBuildScripts {
        steps {
            shell('echo ${VERSION}')
    downstreamParameterized {
      trigger('next-job') {
        parameters {
          predefinedProp('relVersion', '${VERSION}')

I need $VERSION number to pass to the downstream job a parameter.

I tried, ${env.VERSION} and also tried many options, but i couldn't catch the VERSION . any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.


  • You can use the option Prepare an environment for the run which is executed before SCM.

    Option Prepare an environment for the run is not belongs pre-build/ build /post build, but job properties.

    There is no job DSL API supports to configure this option. But we can use configure block.

    job('next-job') {
      configure { project -> 
        project / 'properties' << 'EnvInjectJobProperty' {
            info {
              loadFilesFromMaster false
              propertiesContent 'Branch=${relVersion}'
            keepBuildVariables true
            keepJenkinsSystemVariables true
            overrideBuildParameters false
            on true
      } // end of configure block
      scm { 
        git { 
          remote { 
      } // end of scm
      steps {}
      publishers {}

    Above job DSL can generate following xml as the content of seed job's config.xml

        <scm class='hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM'>

    You can try jod DSL on to check generated xml from it as expect or not.