I have a gridview,bootstrap modal that is inside update panel on a content page which references master page.
There are 3 columns in my gridview and a linkbutton.
When Linkbutton event is fired javascript should be fired which isn't.
I tried this but gives me sys undefined error in console.
Here's my code:
GridView -> View Button ->
var link = (Control)sender;
GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)link.NamingContainer;
Label LiD = (Label)row.FindControl("LabelID");
id = Convert.ToInt32(LiD.Text);
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "funct1()", true)
also tried with
//ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "MyFunction", "funct1()", true);
Here's my javacript :=
function funct1() {
return false;
} // div id="MandateView"
How to up pop up modal ? everything is in updatepanel.
I finally ended up solving with
function InitialiseSettings(){
// replace your DOM Loaded settings here.
// If you already have document.ready event,
// just take the function part and replace here.
// Not with document.ready
$(element).slideUp(1000, method, callback});
duration: 1000,
easing: method,
complete: callback});
event on page.
Thanks to this link.