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how to get javascript variable value in GATLING

I have a response body and i need some spesific javascript value in that.(__processUniqueID) How i can do ?

Gatling 2.3.1 version

<script type="text/javascript">
var __processUniqueID = '06c199ab-**********';
var __isDocument = false;
var __isDMSDifference = false;
var __hasSanction = false;

I want to output "06c199ab-**********".


  • You can use a regular expression check:

      http("Get Javascript")
        .check(regex("""var __processUniqueId = \'(.*)\';""").find.saveAs("my_value"))

    This will parse the response body and save the matching group in the session under the key my_value.

    See the documentation: