I am using GraphQL-Java and I am new to GraphQL.
I am trying to find a way to organize my API in the same way it's done in the GraphQL Hub
Essentially, I want to have my RootQuery as the entry point (like the GraphQLHubAPI in the GraphQL Hub) and then sub groups like Reddit, Github etc in the GraphQL Hub)
I am confused as to what the RedditAPI should be and how I should do the wiring for it. If this is an Object Type, it requires a DataFetcher or some way to resolve request. In their schemas they expose it as QueryObjectType (using JS)
How can I replicate the same structure using GraphQL-Java?
So apparently the answer is to use a data fetcher that returns a dummy object for the "sub-group" objects. This creates the "path" to your leafs. And you can the handle the leafs in the wiring
For example for the Reddit scenario you can a schema like this
schema {
query: RootQuery
type RootQuery {
RedditAPI: RedditAPI
type RedditAPI {
users: [Users]
subreddits(name: String!): [subreddit]
And then wire it up like this
.dataFetcher("RedditAPI", new DataFetcher() {
public Object get(DataFetchingEnvironment dataFetchingEnvironment) {
return RedditAPI.newBuilder().build();
.dataFetcher("users", usersDataFetcher)
.dataFetcher("subreddits", subredditsDataFetcher)