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How to create a method able for use everywhere in Laravel

I want to make some changes to dates, for example, I want to explode it do some operation and implode it again, and I want to use it all around my app so here is my code :

$divided_date = explode('/', $request->point_date);
$converted_date = Verta::getGregorian($divided_date[0], $divided_date[1], $divided_date[2]); // [2015,12,25]
$begindate = implode('/', $converted_date);

I want to make a function called DateConvertor() for example, and anywhere that I want to convert the date I use something like below.


or for example


And it returns the converted date so now I don't know to use the static method or no, and I don't know where to define it so I can use it in all of my app not just a single model.


  • You can create a Helper.php file and in composer.json include that file as

    "files": [

    or may add a helper class like

    namespace App\Helpers;
    class Helper
        public static function foo()
            return 'foo';

    and config/app.php

    'aliases' => [
        'Helper' => App\Helpers\Helper::class,

    and then use as Helper::foo();

    or add a service provider like

    php artisan make:provider HelperServiceProvider 

    in register method

    public function register()
        require_once app_path() . '/Helpers/Custom/Helper.php';

    In config/app.php

    providers = [ 'CustomHelper' => App\Helpers\Custom\Helper::class, ]


    'aliases' => [
    'CustomHelper' => App\Helpers\Custom\User::class,

    then use as
