I have function which returns a Map<String, Set<String>>
, Code before java 8:
Map<String, Set<String>> degreeMap = new HashMap<>();
for(Course course : courses){
Set<String> cList = degreeMap.get(course.getCourseLevel().toString());
cList.addAll(course.getMasterDegree()); //this is what i want to append to the old set
degreeMap.put(course.getCourseLevel().toString(), cList);
} else{
degreeMap.put(course.getCourseLevel().toString(), new HashSet<>(course.getMasterDegree()));
return degreeMap;
Which return a map of courselevel -> set of degrees.
For example, it read all the courses and return a map like:
{"undergraduate" : ["BTech", "BSc", "BE"],
"masters": ["MTech", "MBA"],
"Executive": ["PGDBM", "EECP"]}
Here is my Course class:
public class Course {
private List<String> masterDegree;
private CourseLevel courseLevel;
But I want to write this piece of code in Java 8 style. For that, I tried this:
Map<String, Set<String>> degreeMap = courses.stream().collect(
Collectors.groupingBy(c -> c.getCourseLevel().toString(),
Collectors.mapping(c -> c.getMasterDegree(), Collectors.toSet()))
which is not working and I am getting the following compile-time error on this:
no instance(s) of type variable(s) exist so that List conforms to String inference variable T has incompatible bounds: equality constraints: String lower bounds: List
Any suggestion, how to achieve this?
Not tested, but looks like, you're looking for something like:
return courses.stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(course -> course.getCourseLevel().toString(),
course -> new HashSet<>(course.getMasterDegree()),
(set1, set2) -> Stream.of(set1, set2)