Say i have a db-table looking like this:
user_ids JSONB
Let a record of this table look like this:
"date":"2019-01-25 11:03:57",
"user_ids":[25, 661, 88]
I need to query all records where user_ids contain 25. In SQL i can achieve it with the following select-statement:
SELECT * FROM myTable where user_ids::jsonb @> '[25]'::jsonb;
Now i need to write a JPA-Predicate that renders "user_ids::jsonb @> '[25]'::jsonb"
to a hibernate parseable/executable Criteria, which i then intent to use in a session.createQuery()
In simpler terms i need to know how i can write that PSQL-snippet (user_ids::jsonb @> '[25]'::jsonb)
as a HQL-expression.
Fortunately, every comparison operator in PostgreSQL is merely an alias to a function, and you can find the alias through the psql
console by typing \doS+
and the operator (although some operators are considered wildcards in this search, so they give more results than desired).
Here is the result:
postgres=# \doS+ @>
List of operators
Schema | Name | Left arg type | Right arg type | Result type | Function | Description
pg_catalog | @> | aclitem[] | aclitem | boolean | aclcontains | contains
pg_catalog | @> | anyarray | anyarray | boolean | arraycontains | contains
pg_catalog | @> | anyrange | anyelement | boolean | range_contains_elem | contains
pg_catalog | @> | anyrange | anyrange | boolean | range_contains | contains
pg_catalog | @> | box | box | boolean | box_contain | contains
pg_catalog | @> | box | point | boolean | box_contain_pt | contains
pg_catalog | @> | circle | circle | boolean | circle_contain | contains
pg_catalog | @> | circle | point | boolean | circle_contain_pt | contains
pg_catalog | @> | jsonb | jsonb | boolean | jsonb_contains | contains
pg_catalog | @> | path | point | boolean | path_contain_pt | contains
pg_catalog | @> | polygon | point | boolean | poly_contain_pt | contains
pg_catalog | @> | polygon | polygon | boolean | poly_contain | contains
pg_catalog | @> | tsquery | tsquery | boolean | tsq_mcontains | contains
(13 rows)
What you want is jsonb arguments on both sides, and we see the function that has that is called jsonb_contains
. So the equivalent to jsonbcolumn @> jsonbvalue
is jsonb_contains(jsonbcolumn, jsonbvalue)
. Now you can't use the function in either JPQL or CriteriaBuilder, unless you register it through a custom Dialect if you're using Hibernate. If you're using EclipseLink, I don't know the situation there.
From here on, your options are to use native queries, or add your own Hibernate Dialect by extending an existing one.