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th:field ignores the placeholder value and sets 0

th:field ignores the placeholder value and sets the default value to 0.


public class Employer implements Serializable {

    private int id;


<input type="text" placeholder="A1234" th:field="*{}">

What is being generated:

<input type="text" placeholder="A1234" value="0" id="" name="">

I want to understand why is value=0 being generated. If I change type of int to String it is ok. I even tried value="" and th:value="", but it is still being generated as value="0". I know that I can write id="" name="" instead of th:field="*{}". But I want to understand why it is behaves like that. I want to show placeholder value instead of default. How can I make it work?


  • By default an int has the value 0. It can't have no value. You could use an Integer set to null, then Thymeleaf will use value="".