I have a few simiple Ecto structs:
defmodule MyApp.ForumCategory do
use MyApp.Schema
schema "forum_categories" do
field :name, :string
field :last_topic, :map, virtual: true
field :last_post, :map, virtual: true
defmodule MyApp.ForumTopic do
use MyApp.Schema
schema "forum_topics" do
field :name, :string
belongs_to :forum_category, MyApp.ForumCategory
has_many :forum_posts, MyApp.ForumPost
defmodule MyApp.ForumPost do
use MyApp.Schema
schema "forum_posts" do
field :text, :string
belongs_to :profile, MyApp.Profile
belongs_to :forum_topic, MyApp.ForumTopic
And what I am trying to do is to retrieve the list of all forum categories with their last topic and this topic's last post:
def list do
topics_query =
|> join(:inner, [ft], fp in assoc(ft, :forum_posts))
|> distinct([ft], ft.forum_category_id)
|> order_by([ft, fp], [desc: ft.forum_category_id, desc: fp.inserted_at])
posts_query =
|> distinct([fp], fp.forum_topic_id)
|> order_by([fp], [desc: fp.forum_topic_id, desc: fp.inserted_at])
categories =
|> join(:left, [fc], lft in subquery(topics_query), lft.forum_category_id == fc.id)
|> join(:left, [fc, lft], lfp in subquery(posts_query), lfp.forum_topic_id == lft.id)
|> join(:left, [fc, lft, lfp], lfpp in assoc(lfp, :profile))
|> select([fc, lft, lfp, lfpp], {fc, lft, lfp, lfpp})
|> Repo.all()
|> Enum.map(&fold_category_data/1)
{:ok, %{forum_categories: categories}}
defp fold_category_data({fc, nil, nil, nil}), do: fc
defp fold_category_data({fc, lft, lfp, lfpp}) do
|> Map.put(:last_topic, lft)
|> Map.put(:last_post, %{lfp | profile: lfpp})
But what I find strange is that if the forum category has no topics (and therefore posts either), query bindings lft
and lfp
are not selected as nil
but instead they are selected as ForumTopic
and ForumPost
structs with all of their fields having nil
and therefore my folding function fails.
But if I remove the subqueries and instead do something like that:
|> join(:left, [fc], lft in ForumTopic, lft.id == last_topic_id(fc.id))
where last_topic_id
is a fragment macro that triggers a subquery for finding the last topic ID, then everything works as expected and I get nil
s instead of blank schemas.
Could somebody please explain why things work this way and what would be the best way to go around it?
PS I don't like the latter option because it involves writing big fragments and probably much more slower from the SQL performance point of view.
I am positive that might be directly reported as an issue to Ecto. I am not a daily Ecto user, so I cannot guess why this decision was taken if it was done on purpose, but it looks pretty much like a bug to me.
The workaround would be very simple:
- defp fold_category_data({fc, nil, nil, nil}), do: fc
+ defp fold_category_data(
+ {fc, %ForumTopic{id: nil}, %ForumPost{id: nil}, nil}
+ ), do: fc