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Using $setOnInsert on Upsert With mgo Driver

How do you use $setOnInsert on an Upsert with any of the mgo variants of the Go MongoDB drivers?


  • Given the arbitrary type Foo:

    type Foo struct {
        ID       bson.ObjectId `json:"_id,omitempty" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
        Bar      string        `json:"bar" bson:"bar"`
        Created  *time.Time    `json:"created,omitempty" bson:"created,omitempty"`
        Modified *time.Time    `json:"modified,omitempty" bson:"modified,omitempty"`

    And the Upsert selector, which determines whether or not this will be an Update or an Insert:

    selector := bson.M{
        "bar": "bar",

    The Upsert query to insert a created date only if the document is being inserted will look like this (where now is a variable of type time.Time):

    query := bson.M{
        "$setOnInsert": bson.M{
            "created": &now,
        "$set": Foo{
            Bar:      "bar",
            Modified: &now,

    Using all of these defined types and variables with the globalsign/mgo driver, this entire query is executed by the following code:

    if _, err := session.DB("test").C("test").Upsert(selector, query); err != nil {
        // Handle error