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Nullable <T> as parameter

I've been trying to mess around with generic types and abstractions for a personnal library project but i'm facing a problem. I found this post that was kinda like what i wanted to do, but I wanted to push it a step further. because i wanted to constrain my function with generic parameter to only few types something like :

public static T Read<T>(T? min, T? max) where T: int, float, double, anything i want

I know it's impossible in this way, but i'm trying to find some workarounds to achieve something similar

I tried to set to use: T? but I get a message that says that T must not be nullable to be used as a parameter. As you can see from :

where F : ConsoleReadType<T>

I'm basically trying to allow only inherited classes to run.

public abstract class ConsoleReadType<T>
    public abstract T Read();
    public abstract T Read(T? min, T? max);
    public virtual F ReadUntilCorrect<F>(Func<F> FunctionToRun, string message = "") /*where F : ConsoleReadType<T>*/
        while (true)
                return FunctionToRun();
            catch (ConsoleInputException)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))

public class ConsoleReadDouble : ConsoleReadType<double>
    public override double Read()
        if (!double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine().Replace(".", ","), out double ret))
            throw new ConsoleInputException();
        return ret;
    public override double Read(double? min, double? max)
        if (!double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine().Replace(".", ","), out double ret))
            throw new ConsoleInputException("invalid input format");
        if (min.HasValue && ret < min || max.HasValue && ret > max)
            throw new ConsoleInputException("input value should be between: " + min + " and " + max);
        return ret;

So the main questions are:
1. Is there a way to set nullable T variables in abstract, or is there a better way to achieve what i'm trying to do?
2. Can I allow only certain functions with a where statement ?
3. Is there a way to make these classes static in the end to be used as a helper without having to instanciate them?
4. I'm also interested by any advice you could give me about my code

Thanks a lot.


  • You could use just this:

    // add where T: struct so that only structs (int, double, etc) can be used
    // allows you to use T? 
    public abstract class ConsoleReadType<T> where T: struct
        public abstract T Read();
        public abstract T Read(T? min, T? max);
        public virtual T ReadUntilCorrect(Func<T> FunctionToRun, string message = "")
            while (true)
                    return FunctionToRun();
                catch (ConsoleInputException)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))

    Is there a way to make these classes static in the end to be used as a helper without having to instanciate them?

    Not really, you cannot inherit from a static class, so you'd have to remove the ConsoleReadType<T> class. You could, however, use a Factory approach:

    public static class ConsoleReader
        public static ConsoleReadType<T> GetReader<T>()
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(double))
                return new ConsoleReadDouble();
            // etc

    I'm also interested by any advice you could give me about my code

    In my opinion, you don't need Read(); at all, Read(T? min, T? max); should be enough. Then, ReadUntilCorrect shouldn't receive a Func<T> but instead call Read. You could do with just:

    public abstract class ConsoleReadType<T> where T: struct
        public abstract T Read(T? min = null, T? max = null);
        public virtual T ReadUntilCorrect(T? min = null, T? max = null)
            while (true)
                    return Read(min, max);
                catch (ConsoleInputException ciex)